posted 2025-01-21 22:59:07
How many lifetimes do you think you've lived? And I mean, in this incarnation alone? How many timelines do you think you've touched? How many quantum leaps have you experienced?
Likely more than you think.
I'm remembering the future-past. It sounds crazy. But it doesn't feel crazy. Especially when those memories are corroborated by someone else. Multiple someones. The evidence is there.
We've been reset. And who knows how many times. People around me are remembering. More and more people, friends, clients, acquaintances, accounts I follow etc etc etc are talking about alternate timelines, non-liner time, jumping timelines, time speeding up, time slowing down, time time time... see what's become of me...
I now know without a doubt that I have known the Time Lord in multiple futures. For him, it's the past-future. He's remembering it all. When we first connected, he could remember up to early 2027, and now with our visions, meditations, dreams, and knowings, he's seen certain timelines up to 2031. I've had glimpses.
How can all this be possible? What is this world we are living in? Why are we being reset, by whom, and what is triggering it?
You know when you have deja vu? My grandmother used to say that it meant you are back on track in your life. Why would she say that? "Back on track" implies that you 1) have a track to be on, 2) have been off of it, and 3) are getting another chance - a re-do. How could that be possible without a reset?
All I know right now is the truth of the feelings I am carrying with me from the future-past.
When he and I first (re)connected, I felt a very real, yet subtle, melancholy. And no understanding of why. Until he sent me a message about the challenges we faced in the past-future, and then it hit me. And I cried. And I remembered. It was so real. It doesn't make sense any other way.
There are so many challenges for us. In this realm and beyond. There is a very real spiritual war being waged upon us in every moment of every day. He knows this and works against it. And so do I. Together, we could do so much.
We are figuring it out. And we will. Although I do feel like there isn't much room for error, our memories are helping us to really innerstand what it is that we need to do this time. Not that I'm saying the entire future depends on our actions alone. It depends on ALL of our actions. Every single one of us. And he and I are doing everything we can.
And now it feels like I truly understand why I have felt the way I have with the Gemini.
There have been so many futures where I chose him instead. The Time Lord has seen it - he's told me, even though I haven't mentioned the Gemini at all to this point. And clearly, those timelines were reset. Is this why I have felt like if he and I were to come together that the world would end?
The Gemini will be at my shop tomorrow. He attended my full moon circle, as well, a week and a half ago. I can feel him starting to want to put the pressure on again.
Would it be easier? Yes.
Would it be fulfilling? Not as.
Would I be heartbroken? Yes.
I have felt every single timeline where I have fallen madly in love with the Time Lord. I have felt the joy and bliss our connection brings. And I have felt the heartbreak and despair of not being with him.
These are real feelings. As real as any others I have ever experienced.
Does that make me crazy? Possibly.